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Health and Safety

Safety is our top priority in Fun Tree Daycare. We have implemented enhanced procedures to limit the spread of COVID-19 and are frequently communicating with parents or guardians of our children for updates of their current health situation. Fun Tree Daycare goes above and beyond to ensure all health and safety guidelines are strongly encouraged in our daycare and our safety measures include social distancing; cleaning and sanitizing the daycare area; disinfecting kitchen areas; limiting or avoid visitors to our daycare; and recommending that everyone coming to drop off and pick up wear’s facial coverings; sanitizing learning & playing materials; deep-cleaning physical spaces; ensuring infant safety; regular checking & updating medical supplies; trained in CPR, first aid, and Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention.

Response against Covid-19

We share your concerns about COVID-19, which is why Fun Tree Daycare has maintained the procedures to help ensure the safety of children who enter the daycare area. Providing a safe, healthy environment for your child is our No. 1 priority. We are also following Covid-19 guidelines and taking different precautions as below to restrict from new transmission

Social Distancing

Practicing social distance at Fun Tree Daycare means keeping distance and limiting interactions among children.

Wellness & Masking

Visual health screens are conducted every morning for each child and helping assistants prior to entering daycare. We encourage parents and helping assistants to keep wearing masks and use hand sanitizer inside the daycare area when unable to maintain social distance.


Fun Tree Daycare allows child with vaccinated parents only.


We strongly avoid any physical visitor into Fun Tree Daycare, rather we offer virtual or recorded video tour for new enrolling parents. The owner and helping assistants of the daycare wear a mask while running the business.

Food & Nutrition

We know that strong minds begin with nourished bodies, which is why all food offered at Fun Tree Daycare is nutritious, well-balanced and follows USDA health guidelines. For infants, we closely follow your specific feeding instructions so that your little one is fueled for success from the very start.

City and County of San Francisco

City and County of San Francisco COVID-19 Handbook (English)
City and County of San Francisco COVID-19 Handbook (Spanish)
City and County of San Francisco COVID-19 Handbook (Chinese)