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Your kids get the tools and support they need for their healthy development in Fun Tree Daycare. All activities are carefully designed to adequately nurture the emotional, intellectual, and physical growth of all kids. Through stimulating situations and hands-on learning opportunities, children are free to develop into bright young minds. With the Fun Tree Daycare techniques, the children will have concrete experiences to help them to understand concepts and as the children learn and grow, we move them towards the more abstract concepts.

A Typical Day at Fun Tree Daycare

  •  8:00 Children arrive
  • 8:30 Breakfast
  • 9:00 Activity of the day
  • 10:00 Morning snacks
  • 12:00 Lunch
  • 12:30 Nap
  • 3:00 Afternoon snacks
  • 3:30 Free playtime
  • 5:00 Children leave

 A typical day activity includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Blocks
  • Music
  • Art
  • Movement
  • Science Project
  • Brain Exercise
  • Story Time
  • Active Game
  • Nature and science
  • Outdoor experiences and play areas
  • Physical activity
  • Books & Rhymes
  • We also provide outdoor activities including:​
  • Regular visits to the nearby playgrounds and community park.
  • Weekly/biweekly visits to the local public libraries.

 Food Programs

Healthy food is an important aspect of children’s development. Fun Tree Daycare provides menu aligns with the wellness commitment to healthy food, and I follow the guidelines of USDA daycare food program. By allowing kids to eat family-style home-cooked vegetarian meals and to serve themselves, children learn about making healthy choices and the connection between food and community. We provide children with breakfast, lunch and two (2) snacks per day. If a child has a particular dietary need or allergy, we follow it as per parents’ given instructions.